The Soil Temperature Regime in the Urban and Suburban Landscapes of Olomouc, Czech Republic
The soil temperature regime is a relevant part of comprehensive topoclimatic research. Soil temperature data series measured at selected stations of the metropolitan station system of Olomouc in 2010–2011 were analysed. The focus was on the identification of geofactors influencing the soil temperature regime in the area of interest. The possibility of soil temperature simulation using knowledge of local specifics of the soil temperature regime was verified. The results indicate that the variability of the soil temperature regime was, apart from physical and chemical properties of soil, determined predominately by the character of the relief and the occurrence of related atmospheric inversions. The impact of the urban landscape on the soil temperature regime was not demonstrated. Average daily soil temperature was simulated with satisfying results, based on a model adjusted for a period without snow cover. The results represent a basis for further research on geofactors influencing the soil temperature regime in Olomouc and its surroundings.
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